1.For such objects to be sharable, you need to make sure that the target of these pointers resides at the same address in all the processes.
2.Eg. on Rubinius and JRuby, the VMs can share the same address space; for a legacy older Ruby version, multiple processes could be launched.
3.In a general application, a called procedure runs in the same address space and results are returned to the calling procedure.
4.Equally, community members who feel a specific site contains harmful material can contact the same address with a request to review.
5.Google offers a similar search shortcut for N-series and E-series Nokia phones and for Windows Mobile phones at the same address.
6.There is still a significant performance improvement by having the data stored in cache in the same address space with the Java application.
7.Completed forms together with relevant documents should be returned to the same address.
8.In many cases, the cache is in the same address space of the process that wants to use the data.
9.and the police shared the same address urgent, difficult, dangerous , re, etc.
10.Please direct feedback for this blog post to the same address or simply leave a comment right here.